GLP (German Light Products) is a manufacturer of innovative and high-quality intelligent lighting fixtures for the professional lighting market. The company was founded in 1994 in Karlsbad, Germany by Udo Künzler. GLP has evolved into one of the leading manufacturers of professional lighting technology for the entertainment industry over its 25+ year history.
- GLP’s product range includes LED moving head fixtures, LED washes, LED strobes/blinders, and related lighting solutions.
- Some of their popular product lines are the impression series LED movers, the KNV LED modules, the JDC1 hybrid LED strobe, and the HIGHLANDER discharge lamp wash lights.
- The company also offers weatherproof outdoor lighting products under their FUSION by GLP brand.
Key Points:
- GLP is known for pioneering and innovative lighting technology that enables new artistic expressions for lighting designers.
- Their products are designed with flexibility, high performance, and creative possibilities in mind for touring, theater, studio, and live event applications.
- The company has a close collaborative relationship with renowned designers, production companies, and rental firms worldwide in developing new products.
- GLP has expanded globally with offices in the USA, Hong Kong, UK, France, Sweden and other markets to strengthen its international presence.
GLP is a pioneering German manufacturer renowned for its innovative, high-quality LED and intelligent lighting solutions tailored for creative professionals in the entertainment lighting industry worldwide.